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School Services

The Therapy Institute's Evaluations include :

  • Thorough evaluation concentrating on areas of concern

  • Delivery of written report within 10 days of  testing

  • Consultation with parents on testing results

  • Creation of home program with included training of parents/caretakers

  • Creation of school/classroom program with included training of teachers/one-on-ones/caretakers

  • Consultation with school team to assure accurate delivery of services and participation in any IEP or related meetings as needed

  • Graphical and Photo representation of student’s deficits/areas of concern included in report


Assessment of the student may include a combination of parent report/interview, teacher report/interview, review of the child's history, review of scholastic records, clinical observations, class room observation, and standardized and normed testing.


Areas assessed may include:

  • Neurodevelopmental status

  • Sensory processing/integration

  • Handwriting

  • Motor planning

  • Daily living skills

  • Gross and fine motor development

  • Visual-motor integration

  • Visual perception

  • Executive Functional Skills

  • Adaptive Equipment Need


A variety of evaluation tools are available for children of various ages and needs.

An evaluation identifies the factors contributing to the functional difficulties the child is experiencing, allowing intervention to address the underlying problem(s). Recommendations are made on how to address the issues and may range from suggestions for in class strategies and activities to in-clinic professional intervention.


Individual therapy is designed to address and remediate those deficit areas and the accompanying functional skills identified during an evaluation. Therapy involves a variety of engaging therapeutic interventions and strategies, with suggestions for ways that your child’s progress can be supported at home. Sessions are 50 minutes in length. The duration of treatment varies according to the identified difficulties, the individual’s neurological system, and the family’s ability to carry out supplemental therapy activities at home. Significant progress can generally be seen after 6 months of once a week intervention.


Did You Know, What You Didn’t Know?!
A Discussion on Special Education

Special education can be quit confusing. Parents are often stressed because some do not have the foggiest idea what the special education team is even talking about. For example, some of the key words and terms thrown about during special education conversations/meetings are; IDEA, BIP, FBA, IEE, IEP, “inclusion”, FAPE, LRE, LEA, “Non-Publics”, PNOP, PWN, RSA, and the list could go on and on. How many parents know what all of this means? This video serves the purpose of making parents and caretakers more knowledgeable and better advocates for their little ones who may need special education services. Watch this `special education question and answer session between a group of parents and occupational therapist, Dr. Frederick B. Covington.

© 2020 by The International Institute of Therapeutic Intervention and Learning  -  Washington, DC/Maryland

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